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Making Cards
sending cards
sending cards

My name is Angel, and I’m part of my daughters Team Our Feelings matter. She is trying to get supplies for Our feelings matter. Tina started Our feelings matter after her 16th birthday when NO One showing up to her party her Tina fell into a dark place and became suicidal. she was sure "in her mind" that no one showed up because she "was a special ed kid" I as her mom  tried everything including getting her help but was put on a waiting list for 4-6 months. My next thought was to contact our local News to see if the community could cheer her up with a few cards. When her story went out it went across the world. Tina felt the amount of love that people had, she received thousands of cards also gifts and she loved it... Did she read all the cards? YES, she sure did and still does! She had so many gifts she donated to the Campbell County Police Department this help so many families at Christmas time. I was one proud mom!! 

 Tina had started a group on Facebook called Our feelings Matter so people could see how she was doing.... Now she has started giving back, she is sending Birthday cards to anyone with special needs so no one ever must feel the way she did. We have made an amazon wish list to keep this going for her and asking if anyone is willing to donate to help make this possible to keep going with your donation, we’d be able to buy birthday cards, art supplies, stamps, mini coloring books for all ages, and sticker. 

If you wish to help Tina, below I have added a link that goes right to her Amazon wish list with your help, she will be one step closer to making a lot of kids smile  

Thank you


                                                                                       Tina's Mom 

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